I've prepared what I think is a pretty awesome info board for tonight's session on Teen Pregnancy. My intention is to give a "reality check" to those youth who may view pregnancy and raising a child as something that would be "fun" or "something to do". The board draws attention to three main things:
1) that having a baby changes your whole life;
2) that babies are expensive and;
3) that it's hard to pay for a baby when you and/or your partner haven't yet finished high school, or if you're relying on Governmental support to get you through.
A disclaimer, just in case: In no way am I trying to negate the positive aspects of parenthood, nor am I demeaning those who have had children when they were teens. As usual, I am trying to educate about the realities involved with having a child.
I still need to put together the actual activity board, but I wanted to share this info board with you!
Thanks for your support!
Candice :)
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