The more I think about it, the happier I feel.
I consider myself to be very fortunate - I am building a life and career around something I love to do, albeit slowly. I get to talk about what I think is an absolutely fascinating subject, and only some of the people I encounter look at me like I've lost my marbles. Of course, I wouldn't be here if I were doing it all on my own.
In fact, Sex Ed Central wouldn't exist if it weren't for Mark Garland, Owner of Analyzed Marketing Solutions and my wonderful, supportive life partner.
Mark has helped me take my "dream job" and build it into a reality. Not only did he see my potential and encourage me to "go for it!" - he has helped me to put my business together and continually helps me to figure out where to go next. He has put together this website, taught me how to use it, and is constantly fixing it when I mess things up. Thanks to his amazing internet marketing and SEO work, people are actually able to find me amongst the millions of websites out there. In fact, if you go to and search for "sexual health education" (without the quotations), you will find this site listed on the first page. Out of over 53 MILLION results, I'm in the top 10. How awesome is that?
This post is dedicated to you, Mark, for all that you have done for me. THANK YOU for your help and support, your skills and knowledge, and your willingness to listen to me talk about sex on a daily basis. Thank you for not complaining when I pack our apartment with a thousand condoms and dozens of boxes of educational materials, and thanks most of all for believing in me.
Now, who wants to talk about sex?
- Candice
p.s. Here's the poster for my workshop on Wednesday!
Awesome! Love the poster