Well, I guess it's out now!
I'm so fed up with people who insist that abstinence only sex education is effective, that the science behind comprehensive sex education is false, or that birth control doesn't work. I try to keep my cool and recognize that often people believe things that are untrue due to a lack of education ... but in this case, I just don't believe that! So for the sake of our teens (who are listening to the false information this guy is spewing), let's clear a few things up:
Abstinence only sex ed is not effective. Don't believe me? Read this article, look up stats, and let's chat.
Comprehensive sex education is effective. The evidence is overwhelming. If you need proof, I can send you plenty of links and information -- just ask!
Birth control is effective. Even when used incorrectly (which, by the way, I do not recommend!) it is more effective than using nothing ... which is what the kids in Texas have been doing. Because hey, in school they learned that birth control doesn't work ... so why bother using it, right?
The Article:
I'm going to send you over to read the actual article ... but first I will include a couple of key points:
- Texas Governor Rick Perry is considering running for President of the United States
- Perry's governance is becoming less and less about science and evidence and more about religion -- particularly his own personal views
- He is using his personal views to determine what children and youth are learning in school -- not the least of which is related to sex education:
"Perry has taken governing positions that affect millions of children based on his own personal opinions, even when those opinions are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence." (Otto, 2011)
- The results of this have been absolutely disastrous:
"Texas lawmakers cut sex ed from two six-month courses to a single unit of "abstinence only" education. But early indications showed that the program wasn't working. In fact, teens in almost all high school grades were having more sex after undergoing the abstinence only program. By 2007, Texas had the highest teen birth rate in the nation." (Otto, 2011)
What really gets to me is that this guy (and others, but primarily him because he is making the decisions) has so much power and influence over the lives of millions of children and youth. And what he's doing is creating an absolute disaster. Kids don't even have the option of making informed decisions, because he has taken the information away from them enti
Ok, enough ranting by me. Read the article yourself and let me know what you think!
"Rick Perry asked why more kids are getting pregnant in Texas"
- Candice
p.s. I run a great workshop on teen pregnancy ... message me if you're interested!
A comment posted from my Open Salon blog:
ReplyDelete"Thank you for the rant. I know, from personal experience, complete sex education in schools works to prevent teen pregnancy and disease. I received no info at home, but exhaustive info at school, as did my friends, and teen pregnancy was rare. That was the 1990s. Things are worse now, far worse, as fanatics like Perry try to steal our chilren's choices with his crazy belief system. The ignorance he and people like him advocate is evil dressed up as sanctimony."
- Rei Momo, http://open.salon.com/blog/rei_momo
[...] Sex is everywhere! How can you possibly think that anything good will come of depriving your students of such a fundamental education? Has the increase of unintended pregnancies and STI infections in Texas taught you nothing?! [...]