Friday, March 26, 2010

Let's get connected!

Another week, another workshop!

This week, week 3 of my workshop, was a continuation off of last week's contraceptive session.  While last week was all about condoms, the pill, patch and ring, this week was about less common and less well-known methods.

I started by making big "info sheets" about each method.  These sheets include all of the "good to know" stuff, including how each method is used, effectiveness, protection offered, and any warnings or other info they should know.  For example, did you know using spermicide increases your risk of transmitting or contracting HIV?  Neither did I, until I did some research!  Wrap it up, folks!

I hung these posters along one wall of the OYC, where they would be visible to the youth.  I had 12 in total because I thought that a review of the four methods we covered last week would be a good idea!  I started the discussion with an overview of each method, complete with samples and explanations of how to use them.  I also talked about Plan B and made sure that they knew where to get it, how it worked, and how much it costs.

One of the BEST parts of this week's workshop was when I talked to them about the four methods we discussed last week.  In particular, I ended the "lesson" part of the workshop with another condom demo.  I asked the youth to walk me through it - two of them had been present at last week's session - and THEY REMEMBERED!  I was soooooo excited and so very proud!  One of the youth in particular walked me through each little step - including making sure there was air in the package and pushing the condom to the side of the package before opening it - and not using teeth to tear it open!


This week's game was called "Contraceptive Connection".  Here are some pictures!


The game is essentially a combination of Jeopardy, Sequence, and Tic-Tac Toe.  The kids really enjoyed it, although I will make a few revisions next time around, because they definitely wanted more competition!

I used rewards in the form of lilliput eggs, Kinder Surprise and Cadbury Creme Eggs ... go easter chocolate!  I'll have to stock up again this week to make sure I am well-equipped.

Oh, and the best "Session Eval" comment to date?  "This program is great".

I'm on top of the world!

Thanks for reading :)

1 comment:

  1. Walt & Ann HiebertMarch 26, 2010 at 7:10 PM

    Hi Candice:
    Congratulations! Looks like you are doing a great job in this area! Keep up the good research. It is probably needed more today than ever.
