Workshop number two was last night. There were not as many kids as the first week (there were 10), but the ones who were there were really engaged and participated fantastically! The staff participated as well, and to them I say a huge THANK YOU for their support!
Activity number one - Condom Lineup - was hilarious! Both teams did their best and really engaged with the activity, so I was thrilled! We had some fun with "the Woodster" and I showed them that a condom easily fits over my fist ... so no "it's too small" excuses!
The second activity was officially named about 1/2 hour before I left for placement ... thank you Kristin for your suggestion. I adjusted it slightly, and the name is now "What's your Plan "A"?" Your prize is in the mail! Stay tuned for more pleas for help!

Yesterday afternoon I made a quick trip to WalMart and picked up a variety of "prizes" ... mmm chocolate! Easter chocolate to be precise! Bribery is GREAT and works like a charm! I offered the youth a "prize" to whomever helped me with the condom demo by holding Woody ... only one volunteered, without knowing what the prize was. Now that they know I am armed with Kinder Surprise eggs, I think I might get more volunteers!!!
Overall, it was a great session. I had hoped for more youth, but it worked out very well with the number who were there. I'm getting a better idea of how long to run the sessions for and what kind of activities to use. And the way I see it, if even one of the youth learned something last night, I was successful!
Thanks for reading!
p.s. Alexandra, I am still keeping your name suggestion in mind for further activities! I will let you know if I use it!
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