I've been listening to new radio stations since moving to Cambridge, and I have one of those radio stations to thank for bringing this story to my attention.
While I was busy living under a rock - (kidding! I was pretty busy with school) - this story hit the news in the US. It seems that a

Professor at Northwestern University in Chicago has been stirring the pot by offering his students
optional after-class demonstrations. I should probably mention that his class is in human sexuality (yeaaah!) and is very popular (most university-level sexuality classes are -- for many, it's the first time they've had the option to take sexuality classes). Unfortunately, some of the demonstrations he's offered have caused quite a bit of controversy and outcry. This is nothing new, of course ... even
my youth-friendly workshops have raised a few eyebrows, and I haven't gone anywhere near these demos!

I fully support open, honest and adult dialogue, and I think that
demonstrations of safe sex toy use are an important part of sexuality education. The fact that this particular demonstration featured a woman self-stimulating with a dildo doesn't bother me in the least. The part that I don't feel all warm and fuzzy about is what the dildo was attached to. That is to say, a saw. Y'know, the kind that cuts things.
A reciprocating saw, to be precise. I haven't seen pictures of the actual toy in question, but the article I've linked to does show a photo of a reciprocating saw. I don't believe there was a blade attached to the saw (instead, it was a dildo), but I'm concerned about the demonstration of using a power tool for sexual stimulation. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing the use of unconventional sources of stimulation for pleasure (so long as they don't cause harm, all parties have consented, play is reasonably safe, legals are respected, etc etc) ... but something about the idea of using a saw just doesn't quite make sense in my mind.
Using a power tool for sexual pleasure should only be done carefully, with knowledge, skill and safety precautions. I mean, wouldn't it be
heavy and awkward?!

All kidding aside, I have to be honest. When I heard about this on the news, it made me think of how these kinds of stories and events make it that much more difficult for me to do the work that I do. It's not the students who have reacted so strongly -- after all, they made the conscious choice to attend the
optional, after-class demonstration and weren't coerced in any way. It's the public reaction that makes it tough. Arg!
Here's the article for you to read over and form your own opinion. I'd love to hear what you think!
Northwestern University Professor Under Fire After Class Sex Toy Demonstration- Candice :)
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