Warning: Ranting and Opinions (both mine) ahead ...
so be prepared, because I'm an ALLY, a member of PFLAG and a supporter of the "It Gets Better Project"
... I'm A-OK with Gay ;)
I'm sorry, it's just too much. I try to remain professional, distance myself emotionally and not get swept up in drama ... but I need to get this one out there. I've read this article and have watched/listened to this video each several times. What I REALLY don't get is ... how is it even possible that people STILL think this way? How did this even get onto the news?!?!?! And why do people still believe it!?!?!?!?!??!!!
Okay, deep breath.
SO -- FOX Television in Houston recently featured a debate entitled "Is TV too gay?" complete with the video below.
His exact words: "homosexual behavior is just as risky and just as dangerous as injection drug use."
I had to listen to that a few times to make sure I had heard it correctly. I've linked to the video below so you can be sure too.
I'm not going to spend more time ranting and raving ... I'm sure you've gathered my opinion, so now it's time to form your own! Below is a link to a well-written article discussing the "debate" and some of the resulting backlash. As well, I've added in the video of the FOX Houston clip.
And if you decide that you want to support Glee and the openness to human sexuality and human diversity that they espouse, please head over to the GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) website and add your name to the petition. Thank you!
Article: Fox affiliate: Is "Glee" turning our kids gay?
It's so utterly ridiculous that it is actually quite hilarious to watch Ray bash that guy! "She aint comin back!!" lol Although I'm not making light... 0_0 <<serious face. A-OK baby!