Firstly, when discussing gender, some people might say "What's there to discuss??" as some aspects of gender seem
There have been many new theories of gender proposed, such as the gender "scale" or the "authentic gender model" (akin to the kinsey scale of sexual orientation) which better represent the range of sexes, gender identities and expressions of humans.
A note on interacting with trans* people. If you do not have much (or any) experience with working or interacting with people with varying gender expressions, including trans* and genderqueer individuals here are some things to keep in mind:
Always use their preferred pronoun (he/him or she/her) and name. If you do not know these, then simply ask. Asking is always better than assuming.
Be open minded to different gender expressions and be respectful. Many trans people experience transphobia on a daily basis simply based on the way they look. Many cisgender people have preconceived notions of how gender is expressed, and it is important to keep an open mind and be respectful of others. Remember like the golden rule - treat others the way you want them to treat you.
Trans* people are much more than trans, and their identities are made up of many other things than simply being trans, just as a cisgender person's identity is made up of much more than just their gender. So acknowledge it, but don't make it the focal point of how you know or relate to that person.
If you are interested in discussions on gender and learning more about the trans* community, I found this wonderful video on youtube called Trans Basics created by the people behind the Gender Identity Project. It is a bit long but entirely worth the watch!
- Jocelyne
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