Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Entreprenurial Spirit

Many moons ago, I took a high school course on entrepreneurship. I didn't particularly like it, and by the end of it I thought "No way will I ever have my own business". Something about it just didn't seem to "click" with me.

A little over ten years later (yes, I'm THAT old), I've established more than one home-based business and am networking myself as an entrepreneur. There are still days when I'm not sure I'm cut out for being self-employed, but for the most part, it's been pretty great.

Until now ... now it's become AWESOME! Why? Because I've joined up with a group of powerful entrepreneurial women who have similar goals to my own --- to be successful, to be independent and to build a strong business, thereby contributing to a strong community.

Thank you, K-W & Area Mompreneurs, for hosting a fantastic launch party last night, and for helping me to connect to so many incredible women. I am more excited than ever to be part of this community, especially as an entrepreneur. Cheers to the many successes coming our way in 2013!



1 comment:

  1. [...] logo, as well as determining how I want to move forward with this business. As I mentioned in my previous post, being an entrepreneur wasn’t something I had planned on. Still, I’m glad I’ve [...]
