Simply put, life has been busy ... But a “simple” answer just won’t do when you’ve been MIA for a year. So let’s look at what’s been happening, and where things are headed ...
Guess what? It worked! Life is fantastic and, to be honest, I don’t really know how I could possibly feel happier than I do now. I'm sure I will, because things just get better every day, but I feel so good that I'm not sure how it's even possible ....
If you know someone who fits the above description, please send them my contact info! In the meantime, however, I’ve been putting a lot of work into building my career as a Child and Youth Worker (CYW). The more experience I gain, the more I feel that I made the right choice in becoming a CYW. It’s a skill set that comes naturally to me (much the way educating others about tough topics like sexuality comes naturally!). I enjoy working with children and youth, and I definitely like the challenge that comes with working with people.
(More on this in a later post!)
I would like to grow beyond the sole topic of “sex ed” and into more of a comprehensive, “health-focused” direction. I’ve developed and given workshops on other subjects, and I am sure there’s a way to tie it all together. Mental health, for example, is something that affects all of us but isn’t talked about nearly enough; I’d really like to do something about that.
This has plagued me for months, but there’s no point hiding it anymore. Instead, I’m putting a call out there for other like-minded, health-focused, friendly and outgoing people to reach out and connect with me. I am asking you to share your ideas, feedback, skills and talents with me; let’s collaborate to create something really awesome.
I am seeking people who can help me establish focus and direction for the business. I want to find people who want to get involved in many different ways: writing posts and content; developing workshops; facilitating lessons; establishing community partnerships; branding (establishing a logo and an image), and spreading the word are just a few items on my "to do" list.
If you've read this and are thinking "I could do that!" please let me know. Contact me today and let’s chat about what awesome things we can make happen by working together. This is a great time to get involved in doing something really unique and exciting, with lots of potential for growth and room for creativity.
I’m looking forward to connecting with you.
In the meantime, I'd better get back to that career-establishing stuff. I have to be in Kitchener soon for a physical demands test ... at which point, with any luck, I'll officially be a CYW for another school board. Woo hoo!!
Cheers to a FANTASTIC day!
Happy Monday! I'm starting the week with some exciting announcements, and a call out for awesome people to connect...