Blow jobs ... going down ... giving head ... muff diving ... eating out ... giving a BJ ... fellatio ... cunnilingus ... rimming ...
Call it what you like, but my question is -- does oral sex count as "having sex"?
I've had this discussion a few times in the past, and it always fascinates me. It seems simple ... does oral-genital contact (aka oral sex, or any of the above names) count as "having sex"? Some would answer with a resounding "yes!" while others may hesitate or say something along the lines of "not so much" (or a flat out "NO!"). So while you ponder your own opinion, let's look a little deeper ...
Is it sexual contact? Well, obviously. Oral sex is, quite simply, mouth to penis / vagina / anus. That seems pretty "sexual" to me ...
Is it intimate? This one is more of a personal opinion, but in my opinion ... yes, it is. Whether you're giving or receiving, oral sex involves using your mouth and putting your face in some pretty intimate areas.
Are there risks? Indeed there are! Herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, HPV, hepatitis A and intestinal parasites can all be tran
smitted through oral sex. Oh yeah, and there are documented cases of HIV being transmitted via oral sex as well.
Does it count as "cheating"? That one's entirely up to you and your partner ... but according to the research, most people would argue that yes, having oral sex with someone other than your partner is being unfaithful.
So ... is oral sex "having sex"? In the early 1990's, about 40% of university students reported that yes, they would classify oral sex as having sex. That number has dropped substantially -- 23.2% of Canadian university students classified oral sex as having sex, according to a 2010 study. This study, and others like it, will soon be posted in Education Central -- Research. Take a look, maybe you'll find something interesting!
What do YOU think?
Candice :)