Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Newsworthy Sex! Let's talk about "sluts" ...
Out of the response to these comments (and the countless others like them), SlutWalk has been born. If you're not familiar with SlutWalk, you can educate yourself here.
I haven't posted about this movement until now because I wanted to see where it would go and to further educate myself, before adding my voice to the chorus. Rather than bombard you with my opinion on this issue (which you can probably gather on your own ... refer to the above sarcastic statement for insight), I'm going to point you onwards. The blog I'm encouraging you to read, No Greater Male Supporter, is refreshing, insightful and well-written. The particular post I've linked you to is an interesting examination of victim blaming, patriarchy and the way feminism is typically received (or rejected) in our society. It's well worth reading!
Thank you to my dear friend Janet for sending it my way!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
How about that oral sex?
Blow jobs ... going down ... giving head ... muff diving ... eating out ... giving a BJ ... fellatio ... cunnilingus ... rimming ...
Call it what you like, but my question is -- does oral sex count as "having sex"?
I've had this discussion a few times in the past, and it always fascinates me. It seems simple ... does oral-genital contact (aka oral sex, or any of the above names) count as "having sex"? Some would answer with a resounding "yes!" while others may hesitate or say something along the lines of "not so much" (or a flat out "NO!"). So while you ponder your own opinion, let's look a little deeper ...
Is it sexual contact? Well, obviously. Oral sex is, quite simply, mouth to penis / vagina / anus. That seems pretty "sexual" to me ...
Is it intimate? This one is more of a personal opinion, but in my opinion ... yes, it is. Whether you're giving or receiving, oral sex involves using your mouth and putting your face in some pretty intimate areas.
Are there risks? Indeed there are! Herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, HPV, hepatitis A and intestinal parasites can all be transmitted through oral sex. Oh yeah, and there are documented cases of HIV being transmitted via oral sex as well.
Does it count as "cheating"? That one's entirely up to you and your partner ... but according to the research, most people would argue that yes, having oral sex with someone other than your partner is being unfaithful.
So ... is oral sex "having sex"? In the early 1990's, about 40% of university students reported that yes, they would classify oral sex as having sex. That number has dropped substantially -- 23.2% of Canadian university students classified oral sex as having sex, according to a 2010 study. This study, and others like it, will soon be posted in Education Central -- Research. Take a look, maybe you'll find something interesting!
What do YOU think?
Candice :)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
And the penis nickname is ...
And the winner is ...
... custard launcher !!!
Congratulations, Fred!
A special thank you to Mike in Ohio who posted his names to my Open Salon blog -- "Big Jim and the twins" was a close runner up! Also special thanks to Davis for your creativity, and especially for your poetry contribution.
Thank you everyone who read and enjoyed the posts -- stay tuned, I will be running more fun contests in the near future!
Candice :)
Friday, April 15, 2011
We've gone WAY beyond penis ...
Ok folks, the contest isn't over yet! There is still time to submit your nicknames for penis (before midnight TONIGHT -- Friday April 15). It's super easy, leave a comment on this blog post (or this one, or this other one) with your nicknames. I'm looking for creativity, and I will choose the winner this weekend.
The winner will receive a mystery prize -- although I can promise you it is fun! Stay tuned for the blog post announcing the winner!
To avoid repeats, I am posting the submissions I have received so far. Think you've got something to add? Leave your comment now!
Gonzo Tool The big Gun Rocket launcher Willy Mamouth big daddy
the third leg the elephant snake one eyed demon spitter big ben
Behemoth cock buddy The profit night stick wood steel
bazooka big bamboo trunk custard launcher
heat-seeking moisture missile
one-eyed wonder weasel trouser snake wing dang doodle love log
Thanks for your participation and enthusiasm, and good luck!
Candice :)
I promised you more sex ...
I have made a number of updates to the site and am working on developing more. I thought about holding off on publishing them until I had everything ready, but let's face it -- I will always have more to add. Besides, I am an excitable person, and I get excited about my business! So, make sure you check out the Education Central page, which now features links to the articles I've written and posted. At this point there are only two articles (Sex Education for Parents and LGBTTIQQ2S – What Do Those Words Mean?). More articles are in the works, including one about educating individuals with intellectual disabilities. Stay tuned!
The Resources page is revamped and features a descriptive list of many sexuality and sexual health resources. As there are so many great websites out there, I'm asking YOU to contribute ... if you know of any great websites I might want to include in my resources (or just check out because they're awesome), please let me know! Similarly, I’m always looking for new and interesting topics to write about (you may have noticed, I enjoy writing). If you have an idea for what could be a great article or blog post, please send me a message with your suggestion. I really appreciate receiving feedback. :)
Last - but definitely not least - you can keep up to date with Sex Ed Central by subscribing to our feed (found on the Blog page) or sending me a message requesting to be added to our newsletter.
As always, thank you for reading and I hope you find something interesting on my site.
Candice :)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Featuring Dan Savage ...
I've had this discussion with others before, and I'm sure it will come up again. I believe that it is entirely possible to have a satisfying, loving, committed relationship without requiring sexual exclusivity.
I'm going to leave that one hang for a bit, and refer you to this week's Savage Love. I'm warning you now, he uses language that would not be rated PG13. As well, I cannot be held responsible for any offense taken from what is said in any of Dan's columns.
Savage Love: I want my MTV
Candice :)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Let's get beyond "penis" ...
Ok folks, the competition is on ... who's got the most creative nickname for penis?
Submissions so far are AWESOME ...
custard launcher
heat-seeking moisture missile
one-eyed wonder weasel
trouser snake
wing dang doodle
love log
Think you can do better? Prove it! Get your creative nicknames to me by Friday (April 15) at midnight -- there is a prize involved! You can submit them by emailing me or leaving a comment on this or the previous post.
Looking forward to your reply!
Candice :)
Monday, April 11, 2011
Let's all say "Penis" ...
One such conversation occurred yesterday, at the dinner table. Yes, the word "penis" has definitely made an appearance at dinnertime (more than once!), and yesterday was a perfect example. While answering a number of excellent questions from a prepubescent relative (who is very fortunate to have awesome parents who will talk to him about sex), the following question arose (no pun intended!):
"How many other names have you heard for 'penis'?"
Of course there are the usual ... cock, dong, schlong, weiner, dick ... but I want to know how creative you, my dear reader, can be! So, let's hear it! Leave a comment with your most creative penile nickname. There may just be a prize involved! ;)
Looking forward to your response!
Candice :)
P.s. Yes, this is my cat, and my Woody.