Monday, April 11, 2011

Let's all say "Penis" ...

Let's face it, talking about sex can be uncomfortable (for some, not so much for me!).  I am fortunate to be blessed with many Woodyfriends and family members who support the (slightly!) out of the ordinary work that I do, and are open to talking about it.

One such conversation occurred yesterday, at the dinner table.  Yes, the word "penis" has definitely made an appearance at dinnertime (more than once!), and yesterday was a perfect example.  While answering a number of excellent questions from a prepubescent relative (who is very fortunate to have awesome parents who will talk to him about sex), the following question arose (no pun intended!):

"How many other names have you heard for 'penis'?"

Of course there are the usual ... cock, dong, schlong, weiner, dick ... but I want to know how creative you, my dear reader, can be!  So, let's hear it!  Leave a comment with your most creative penile nickname.  There may just be a prize involved! ;)

Looking forward to your response!

Candice :)

Kiki and Woody



P.s. Yes, this is my cat, and my Woody.


  1. [...] Think you can do better?  Prove it!  Get your creative nicknames to me by Friday (April 15) at midnight — there is a prize involved!  You can submit them by emailing me or leaving a comment on this or the previous post. [...]

  2. Gonzo, Tool, The big Gun, Rocket launcher, Willy Mamouth, big daddy, the third leg, the elephant, snake, one eye demon, spitter, big ben, Behemoth, cock, buddy, The profit, night stick, wood, steel, bazooka, big bamboo, trunk, I can go on forever :) but the one name that only I can call it is MINE :p
