Monday, December 20, 2010

A little holiday Glee!

If you're a Gleek like me, you know that Glee is quickly making its mark as a popular and progressive television show.   The show portrays the lives, struggles and triumphs of a group of youth in an American high school.  The best descriptor I can think of for the cast is diversity.  Glee transcends a number of invisible barriers simply by existing  - racism, sexism, ableism, classism, ageism and heterosexism are all challenged within this show, and it continues to gain popularity.  I love it!

Over recent weeks, Glee has increasingly featured the struggles of Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer) - an openly gay teen in a high school environment riddled with homophobia and bullying.  Over the course of this season, Kurt has struggled with his identity as the only openly gay student at a high school where diversity is challenged - and often crushed - with prejudice and violence.  Fortunately, Kurt is a strong, self-advocating individual with a determination to be himself, regardless of what the rest of the world expects of him.

In the episode A Very Glee Christmas, Kurt and his love interest Blaine (Darren Criss) are featured in a duet performance of "Baby it's Cold Outside".  I've watched the video of this performance many times and I wanted to share it with you.  To me, this budding television relationship represents a huge step beyond homophobia.   This show has the ability to inspire hope in many young people, and it is my wish that our society - and especially our youth - continue to embrace the diversity of Glee.  As for myself, Tuesday nights are definitely reserved for Glee!

Happy Holidays!
