Sunday, June 6, 2010

Up next: Guelph Sexuality Conference

In just a couple of weeks, I will be taking a drive back to what is definitely my favourite Ontario city, Guelph.  I will be spending three days at what is definitely my favourite university, the University of Guelph (go Gryphons!).  It's where I spent most of what I think of as my "formative years" ... although I was finished growing physically, my time at U of G is where I explored myself and experienced a great deal of emotional, mental, psychological growth.  I'm definitely excited to go back and experience my alma mater from my more recently developed (and more mature?) state of mind; as an alumni rather than a U of G student.

The reason for my trip to Guelph is the 32nd Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference.

The entire event - including the SAR (Sexual Attitudes Reassessment) weekend, and the Sex Therapy Training Program - lasts nearly two weeks.  I will be attending the final three days - the Pre-Conference and the Main Conference.  I've signed up for workshops discussing topics such as: what is effective for sexual health education with youth, using social media to promote sexual health, promoting inclusiveness in schools, and communicating about sex with teen girls.

I'm very excited to be part of the poster sessions as well, and am working on my poster presentation entitled "Let's Talk About Sex: A Comprehensive, Youth-Oriented Workshop".

I'm really looking forward to this conference and to expanding my knowledge and contacts within my field.  I will let you know how it goes!

Candice :)

1 comment:

  1. Candice,
    You have never met me, however, I was at a function last evening and met up with your parents who I have known for years but have not seen for years. My brother, Ernie Krajcir use to be married to your aunt Diane. Nevertheless, I had a wonderful conversation with your parents about your asperations. I was pleasantly surprised with your involvment with U of G's wellness centre. My daughter Stephanie use to work there. I am not sure if Marlene Pfaff still works there as she had returned to lecturing a few years back.
    My daughter too was continually involved with the Sexuality Conference thereby meeting many people. She also was a Drink Wise councellor for the university.
    If you have been a volunteer at the wellness center, you may be aware of the Stephanie Wilken award which is presented to a volunteer every year.
    I, received my BA in Social Science not that long ago and then went on to a post grad program at York for my BA of ED. I now teach for the Upper Grand and the Wellington Catholic School Boards.
    Well, enought of me, I told your dad I would check out your website, and if I could help with any information concerning your future endevours, I would be pleased to .
