Monday, August 20, 2012

Not If It's Legitimate Rape

Today's post is my commentary on an article published by The Telegraph today, entitled "Republican congressman: 'legitimate rape' does not cause pregnancies".

According to US Representative Todd Akin, "the female body has ways of trying to shut that whole thing down" if a woman has become pregnant following a "legitimate rape". Although he does not explain how a woman's body can tell the difference, he does claim to have gleaned this understanding of the female body from "doctors".

So there you have it folks, from a man who knows all about these things thanks to "doctors". Our bodies can just "shut the whole thing down" if we females become pregnant via "legitimate rape".


I guess we don't need access to safe, legal abortion after all. Who would've thought it could be so easy?

*Post-publishing addition: Still confused about what "legitimate" rape is? This article on should help clear things up for you, and also highlight the ongoing idiocy of some (sadly) powerful and influential people. To me, this statement says it all:


Excerpt from The Official Guide to Legitimate Rape:

Let's stop differentiating between different types of rape as if they were different flavors at an ice cream shop. Politicians need to get over the pervasive fear that adopting a zero-tolerance attitude towards rape means that people will be able to disingenuously "cry rape" if they're having a bad day. That's not going to happen. You know what's way more dangerous? Allowing legislators like Akin to make declarative statements that are unarguably false. If you don't know how basic biology works, you shouldn't be able to hold a government position that gives you real power over the bodies of millions of women.

Sure, it would be a hell of a lot easier if uteri were able to define rape for us. But they can't, and it's insane to pretend otherwise.

And there's also this great post, from, which talks about the actual statistics surrounding rape and pregnancy: Rep. Todd Akin, Abortion and Rape

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