Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Thank you, Juanita, for sharing this with me on Facebook.

So many of us think that we can ignore the reality of HIV, but that's just plain ignorance.

HIV-ignorance is extremely common, and completely unnecessary. Fight it with these 3 easy steps ...

1. Watch this video.

2. Educate yourself.

3. Talk to others about HIV.


Have you been tested for HIV?


HIV: If there's a will... from stephen st laurent on Vimeo.

- Candice


  1. May I use this in our blog please? Our blog is AIDS NB.

  2. Yes you may. I've sent you an email with more details. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  3. [...] HIV is a complicated virus and has proven to be very good at adapting to its environment … and becoming resistant to drugs used to treat it. The same could happen with Truvada, if taken by people who are already HIV+. This is yet another potential roadblock. Although people are required to be tested for HIV prior to taking Truvada, there’s still the risk of someone being tested before HIV antibodies are detectable in their bloodstream. This means that someone can be taking Truvada but actually be HIV+, which would increase the risk of the virus developing a resistance to Truvada. [...]
