Friday, April 9, 2010

Did you know ... ?

Did you know that there are multiple strains of the HIV virus, and that a person can become infected with more than one strain?  Until recently, I did not know that.  I, like many, thought that there was one HIV virus and that once you had HIV, that was that.  Another question ... Did you know that the average time between a person contracting HIV and developing AIDS is more than 10 years?  I'd say that is pretty awesome ... HIV no longer has to be the immediate death sentence that has been ingrained into our minds.

As you may have figured out, next week's topic is HIV/AIDS.  I have a guest speaker coming in to assist; she knows a great deal about HIV/AIDS and I think it will be good for the youth to see that there is someone out there who can help them with any HIV/AIDS related questions or issues.  It's part of my goal to provide hands-on information and resources, and sometimes "resources" means offering up the knowledge that "there's someone I can talk to if I ever need to".

One more question ... Did you know that you can subscribe to my website and receive notifications whenever I post new content?  You can do this in a couple of ways:

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for explaining how to subscribe. I haven't been able to figure it out since you moved your blog. Let me know when you're a little closer to Guelph some time (ie. under 2 hours) and we'll meet up.
    xoxo Kristin
