Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Newsworthy Sex! Let's talk about "sluts" ...

Okay, so if you're Canadian like me you have probably heard something about the recent, inappropriate and offensive comments made by a Toronto police officer while visiting York University in Toronto.  I'm referring to the comments stating that, to avoid being sexually assaulted (y'know, raped), women shouldn't dress like sluts.  Because *obviously* if a woman is raped, she's to blame (note the sarcasm!).

SlutWalk PhotoOut of the response to these comments (and the countless others like them), SlutWalk has been born.  If you're not familiar with SlutWalk, you can educate yourself here.

I haven't posted about this movement until now because I wanted to see where it would go and to further educate myself, before adding my voice to the chorus.  Rather than bombard you with my opinion on this issue (which you can probably gather on your own ... refer to the above sarcastic statement for insight), I'm going to point you onwards.  The blog I'm encouraging you to read, No Greater Male Supporter, is refreshing, insightful and well-written.  The particular post I've linked you to is an interesting examination of victim blaming, patriarchy and the way feminism is typically received (or rejected) in our society.  It's well worth reading!

Thank you to my dear friend Janet for sending it my way!



  1. Thanks so much for the plug, Candice! Really appreciate it.

    From reading through your site I can imagine your workshops leading to a lot of frank, realistic discussions on consent which would result in the kind of empathy and social consciousness that would prevent incidents like that victim-blaming Toronto policeman. I can also see your workshops being at the same time a lesson in sexual and personal diversity, and I love how you include Feminism in the conversation. I hope to be a part of one of your workshops someday! Though I'm based on the west coast, I do plan on moving to Ontario in a year, so who knows.

    Definitely going to be keeping track of Sex Ed Central. I really think your work is part of the solution. Keep on doing your awesome thing!

  2. Taylor -- I hope that we are able to connect when you do relocate -- I'm sure we could make some great things happen! :)
